Privacy Policy

Welcome to our website, Alvaroauto. We sell automotive parts and vintage articles. By accessing or using our website, you agree to comply with these terms and conditions ("Terms of Service"). Please read these terms carefully before using our website.

Protection of personal data

The information that the customer provides on our Site is essential for the processing of the order, the issuing of invoices and other accounting documents, guarantee contracts, and the respective registration in the accounts and without them, the order will be automatically cancelled.


By writing on our Site, the customer undertakes to provide us with sincere and truthful information. The communication of false information is contrary to the general conditions, as well as the conditions of use that appear on our Site.


The customer has a permanent right to access, rectify or delete any data concerning him/her, in accordance with European texts and national law in force. The client may at any time request confirmation of the existence with of his own personal data and also modify them or request their elimination, in writing, by letter or email to the addresses provided on this site.

Promotional emails with news, settlements, exclusives, good deals, etc, will be sent to customers. The customer may, at any time, request not to receive any more mails from us, by clicking on the link reserved for this, inserted in the footer of each email we send.


Only ÁlvaroAuto, Lda. can send information within the framework of precise and punctual promotional operations.


To comply with the data protection legislation (RGPD) in force from 25-05-2018, we inform you that by registering on our website you are consenting that we store your personal data for order processing / issue of invoices and other accounting documents and registration in accounting and so that we can also contact you regarding promotional information.
